Friday, July 27, 2012

A Small Beginning

 I love to write but I hate to journal! So what am I doing writing a Blog? you ask!

I have a lot to say, I think, and what better way than to join the millions of other people using the internet and blogging to get it said. Yes, I know, what I have to say is not that important but, maybe some "one" will find it interesting.

"Wandering" is probably what you'll find me doing as I go from topic to topic. So bear with me or give me feedback on where you think I should head; maybe to the city, or the country; on the interstate or those country roads we have in my neck of the country; maybe I should travel, or stay home, go back to school, or get a job.

As you can see, I have no idea right now where this is going or where we will end up. So right now we are in the dark, in for a surprise, at the brink of a new experience, or maybe already at the "end of the road".

(The only thing I know for sure is
 - I'll be in London tonight for the Opening Ceremonies -
 watching my 42"HD TV from my family room!)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Wandering . . . .

Please come back . . . . this blog is under construction!