Saturday, September 29, 2012

Surname Saturday - I changed mine!

I was reading my favorite genealogy blogs this morning and noticed it was Surname Saturday according to GeneaBloggers. So I thought I would share a little about my current surname!

On Saturday, September 29, 1962, I changed mine and for the last 50 years it has been Olson. A good Scandinavian name that means that somewhere along the way a grandfather of my husband's was most likely named Ole!! We find him in 1817, Ole Thorsen (his father's name was Thor) when he was born in Norway; in 1842 he married Berthe Thorsdatter (her father was Thor, too, but not the same one!); and in 1845 their son Theodore was born. Theodore Olson sailed to America in 1868 with his wife and daughter. And from then on the surname has remained Olson.

So as we celebrate our Golden Wedding Anniversary today, neither of us can figure out how the years have gone by so fast. Tomorrow we will celebrate with family and friends, and remember the last 50 years. And on Monday we will start on the next 50!