Friday, September 7, 2012

Our Annual Trip to the Sandwich Fair

Thursday, we made our one and only visit to the Sandwich Fair for this year! We stayed for four hours and managed to see all that we needed to. After so many years, its the same thing we have seen for the last fifty years. (Please note that this was my husband's 73rd year of attending the fair.) Oh the people change, but the exhibits remain the same for the most part. Most of them even in the same place they have held for years. Now, I know that is a good thing - people can find the places they like to visit.

It is me that has changed. When the kids were young we visited often, worked the various booths and even exhibited our handiwork, canning, and garden flowers. The fair was the highlight of the fall. Now it is too far to walk, too hot to manage, and too many things we don't need or want.

The best part of the fair has always been the food. Even yesterday we managed to have lunch at the United Church stand, Lemon shakeups from the Open Door and pie and ice cream. We might have stayed longer if our hips had held out and our stomachs weren't on overflow!

But, even though we go into sensory overload after a short time, we could see the excitment and enthusiasm on all the younger faces - children and parents alike. And that is what has kept people coming to the fair for the last 125 years and will keep them coming for 125 more!