Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Beginner's Blogging Block

Talk about "good intentions"! I promised myself that if I started this blog, I would be consistent with my postings. I may not write everyday, but I didn't mean less than once a week either. I'm not sure very many people know about this blog yet, so I'm working up to my schedule. But, once I inform all my friends and family about this site, I need to have my commitment in place. So please be patient with me.

Anyone who knows me, knows I am good at organizing but my usual "flow" has "flown". I just can't seem to find the rhythm of posting blogs on a regular basis. (Of course, like many things I do, I couldn't just start one, I started five different blogs!)

You know that saying "too many irons in the fire" was probably written just for me.
  • I started the summer by cleaning the attic - now the junk is in the hallway waiting for a decision on what to do with it.
  • I have decided to scan as many family photos as possible - they lay partially sorted, partially scanned, and totally a mess.
  • I have hours worth of research to enter into my Roots Magic database. And attach the photos I have scanned will scan.
  • I'm making a photo montage to celebrate our 50th Anniversary - it's coming along nicely, thank you.
  • And I'm writing my life story (boring, but I felt the need).
But, I am not complaining. I love everything I do because I usually do only those things that I love. Now that I have managed to whine a little, I feel better. Be sure to check back next week (I know, I know, but I'm going on a retreat with my "coffee girls") and I promise my outlook will be more upbeat.