Thursday, April 9, 2020

No Wandering Today!

There is no wandering except for our thoughts at this time. We are under "stay at home" orders because we are in the midst of a pandemic!
Thank You!
Only essential services are open. Grocery stores, we have to eat, so all those who stock the shelves, prepare the fruits and veggies, check out our selections still have to work so we can eat. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Drug stores, we need our medications, so to all of you, Thank you, thank you, thank you! Our Banks, our gas stations, our doctor's offices, our truckers who keep the supplies coming, the factories producing the supplies, thank you, thank you, thank you. The police, the fire men and women, the medical providers, thank you, thank you, thank you. And to all who I have not named, thank you for putting yourselves out there so that we can stay safely in our homes until this passes.
Stay Home!
And that is the least we can do, Stay Home, so we do not contract this deadly disease or pass it on to anyone else. It's hard, I know. As someone who is home more than out, normally, I miss my weekly lunch date with my friends. We need the social interactions with other humans, but right now we need to do our part to keep everyone safe and healthy. Follow the guidelines, find an outlet for news that you trust, and try to be productive at home.
Life will resume!
Life will resume one day, we will work again, meet again, begin again. What will we have learned? To be better prepared? To not take life for granted? To tell our family we love them more often? To appreciate the freedoms we have? To be kinder to one another?

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