Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Beginner's Blogging Block

Talk about "good intentions"! I promised myself that if I started this blog, I would be consistent with my postings. I may not write everyday, but I didn't mean less than once a week either. I'm not sure very many people know about this blog yet, so I'm working up to my schedule. But, once I inform all my friends and family about this site, I need to have my commitment in place. So please be patient with me.

Anyone who knows me, knows I am good at organizing but my usual "flow" has "flown". I just can't seem to find the rhythm of posting blogs on a regular basis. (Of course, like many things I do, I couldn't just start one, I started five different blogs!)

You know that saying "too many irons in the fire" was probably written just for me.
  • I started the summer by cleaning the attic - now the junk is in the hallway waiting for a decision on what to do with it.
  • I have decided to scan as many family photos as possible - they lay partially sorted, partially scanned, and totally a mess.
  • I have hours worth of research to enter into my Roots Magic database. And attach the photos I have scanned will scan.
  • I'm making a photo montage to celebrate our 50th Anniversary - it's coming along nicely, thank you.
  • And I'm writing my life story (boring, but I felt the need).
But, I am not complaining. I love everything I do because I usually do only those things that I love. Now that I have managed to whine a little, I feel better. Be sure to check back next week (I know, I know, but I'm going on a retreat with my "coffee girls") and I promise my outlook will be more upbeat.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Good Intentions

Met with my girl friends for coffee as usual this morning. I had good intentions of eating well - an asiago bagel (not too many carbs) and low-fat cream cheese (morning protein) along with my juice of choice, Hazelnut coffee! Nice, sensible choices.

So we enjoyed our breakfast and shared two weeks worth of catching up (one of us, not me, spent last week with her family having fun at her cabin). Not that I didn't have fun - I was watching facebook for photos of my brand new great-granddaughter! (I meet her tomorrow.)

But, I digress. About an hour into our intense conversation, a lovely girl on staff at the coffee shop came by offering free samples of their different flavor danish. Of course I had to try one, infact mine had a small slice of apple, cheese filling and one cherry, so I got to taste all three flavors! Now, there went my good intentions.

But, wait there's more! About an hour after that (I know, about now you are wondering what we have to talk about for two hours) another lovely young lady came by and sweetly said, "Would you care to try our new coffee cake?" Not wanting to offend her, "Of course", I said. So after that the only thing left to do was plan to start with the good intentions "tomorrow" when I see Penelope for the first time!

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Steeple Chase

Now tell me, if your daughter told you that a former student of the school where my son-in-law teaches was at the Olympics and would compete Friday in the Steeple Chase, where in the schedule would you look? The Equestrian List, right?

After searching the list for a while, with no luck in finding it, I decided to use the search box. Now why would I think it was a Track and Field Event! Here are men taking the place of the horse - jumping hurdles and water pools. My grandsons have been in track meets and I have never heard of this before. Not in this context. The closest I have been to a Steeple Chase is while reading Dick Francis books, which include murder and mayhem in the world of racing in England!

Now that I had found it, I watched the video of the Olympic trials which he won. And found the results of his first preliminary race where he is second. Congrats to Evan and good luck as you go for the gold!

Note to self: You are watching way too much Olympic coverage!

Check out the photograph at the bottom of the page!